
FOOD TIME: Tuna Gimbap


First of all I'll apologize for taking so long to post. I'll let you guys know that I will post more frequently from now on :) Oh! I also made a twitter account so make sure to follow me <3 @FlatShoesForMe 

Today I decided to post something different. It's a food time!! I'll tell you how to make delicious and easy Gimbap rolls. This will be my first post from Food Time series. Hope you enjoy!

So today I made Koreans version of sushi: Gimbap. I am quite a fan of sushi but I have to confess that I enjoy gimpap way more.

It's also very easy to do and you can choose the fillings you enjoy.

I like to fill my gimbap with tuna-mayonnaise mixture, egg and cucumber strips and spinach. First time when I made gimbap I put carrots in it but because most of my family has allergy to it I decided not to put it anymore.

Here are the ingredients for 10 gimbap rolls (If you make 5 then just use half of the ingredients)

- 2 cups of rice
- 1 cucumber
- 4 eggs (+ oil to cook it)
- 2 cans of tuna
- mayonnaise
- 4 garlic cloves
- spinach
- 10 sheets of seaweed paper
and salt to rice

First add two cups of rice to cooking pot.

Then you need to rinse the rice times in cold water. First you rinse, second you drain the water, then you scrub the wet rice. You have to do this until the drained water is clear. I usually do it three times.

After that you have to make sure that you drained all water. Then you add 2 cups of water to rice and let  it soak for 30 minutes.

As I'm waiting for rice to soak I do various things. First I cut the cucumber.

I like to take those inside things out :D

I cut the cucumber in strips and put it to plate.

Next I make the egg. I like to do it 2 eggs a time so I have to repeat it again. So all you need to do is crack the eggs to bowl, beat it with a fork and  remove chalaza.
Then drizzle oil on a heated pan and pour the egg mixture into the pan.

It should look like this. I made two of these.

Cut it into strips.

Now you have cucumber and egg strips. YEY! :D

At this point my rice has soaked 30 minutes. All I have to do now is put the lid on and boil it over medium high heat and let it cook for 10 minutes.

After 10 minutes you need to open the lid and turn over the rice. Then put the lid on again and let it for other 10 minutes but in a light heat.

Then you only have to add 1 teaspoon of salt and 4 teaspoons of sesame oil (I added sunflower oil, it came okay :DD) and gently mix. Your rice is done! YEEYY!!

Making tuna-mayonnaise mixture you need two cans of tuna. Put the tuna in bowl.

Mince the garlic and put it with tuna. Leave a bit of garlic aside for spinach.

Then add mayonnaise and mix. It's super easy and super yummy! :)

I didn't have fresh spinach so I used this freeze one instead. You have to cook it with bit of oil and when it's ready put the garlic on it and mix it. Now you have all the ingredients done and let the fun begin!

You have to place a sheet of seaweed with the shiny (SHINee!! xD) side down.

Then spread the rice evenly leaving about half uncovered on top side of the sheet.

Then you just place the tuna mixture, spinach, egg and cucumber strips in the center if the rice.

Use both hands to roll the gimbap. It's kinda hard at first but you'll learn how quickly. I don't have the mat thing and I find this way easy so you'll not be lost without the mat. Voila! And your first gimbap roll is done!

Then if you want to, you can cut it in pieces. You'll need a sharp knife to do so.

TADAAA! Making gimbab mission DONE!

I ate gimbap so much but I still crave for some more. It's so good. My mom also likes it and I taught her how to make it. <3

If you tried making your OWN gimbap, please let me know by adding me to your instagram picture @ktothei8 or by tweeting me @FlatShoesForMe
Till then! See ya next time!! :)

Thanks for reading!
XX <3

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